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Safety Tips

Harbor Pointe Credit Union’s Mobile Application is a secure way to access your account information. This application uses the same secure 128-Bit encryption technology as our online banking product.

To access our secure area, you must enter your Logon ID and Security Code. As a security precaution, we store your Security Code in our database in an encrypted format that even we cannot decode.

Automatic time out occurs in the secure area of our site after several minutes of no activity.

Lock out after 3 unsuccessful attempts at entering the security code.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol to ensure that your connection and any information transmitted is protected.

So rest assured your account information is safe.


Common Sense Practices

Don’t click on links sent via email or text message from anyone you don’t know.

Download mobile applications only from reputable sources to ensure the safety of your personal information.

Lock your phone when not in use. This password-protect function on your mobile phone makes it more difficult for someone to access your information.

Use the same best practices you would use browsing the internet or email from your personal computer.

Regularly delete old text messages & clear your browser history.

Selling or recycling your phone? Remove all sensitive information before you do.


Lost or Stolen Phone?

Notify your provider to disable your device, which will reduce the risk of your information being accessed.

Call the credit union to temporarily disable your online account access.


Traveling or Making Online Purchases With Your Debit Card or Credit Union VISA® Card?

Before you travel always notify the credit union of your travel dates and regions you will be visiting.

The credit union places tight restrictions on debit and credit cards in an effort to protect both the credit union and members from fraud.

If you find your card is declined when out of your normal purchasing area or for online purchase, please contact the credit union to have the block removed. You can reach us during normal business hours at 722-9242.


Lost or Stolen Cards

Lost or Stolen VISA® Credit Card?

Please Call: 1-800-991-4961

International: 410-581-3836

Lost or Stolen Debt MasterCard?

Please Call: 1-800-472-3272

International: 973-682-2652

Card Skimmers

A card skimmer is a device thieves use that is attached over the top of a normal card reader which steals your card information.

Most common areas skimmers can be found are outside ATM’s or gas pumps.

Be alert to any swipe that looks loose or altered and avoid swiping your card if it doesn’t look right.

Cover the keypad when entering your PIN, there may be hidden cameras trying to capture your PIN.

Also watch for unusual keypads, which can be placed over a real keypad to capture your key strokes. If it looks unusual, don’t use it.

Contact the credit union right away at 218-722-9242 if you feel your card information has been compromised.