Donations and Sponsorships
Each year Harbor Pointe Credit Union proudly gives back thousands of dollars in support of many local charity organizations, youth programs, sports sponsorships, arts & educational programs as well as regional fundraising events. Harbor Pointe staff also give back by volunteering many hours to local fundraisers and charity events.
We are committed to our members and the communities in the 5 counties we serve! We would like to hear more about your organization and sponsorship/donation request. We ask that your request is submitted at least 35 days prior to when it is needed. If your request is approved, a notification will be emailed to the person requesting.
Please send your sponsorship or donation request with complete details in writing to hpcu*AT* or mail to:
Harbor Pointe Credit Union
Attn: Marketing Committee
11 West 2nd Street
Duluth, MN 55802
All requests must be received in writing at least 35 days prior to event to be considered. Requests are then reviewed by the credit union marketing committee. The credit union receives many donation and sponsorship requests each year and all requests are evaluated equally.
The credit union strives to support as many sponsorship and donation requests as possible, however there is no guarantee that funds will be granted to every organization and/or event that sends in a request even if a similar request was granted in the past.
Promotions of any religious or political organizations will not be considered as well as organizations that do not impact the counties we serve or are not aligned with our mission, vision or core values. Individual sponsorships for trips, tournaments and personal fundraisers will not be considered.